
Building A Supportive, Connected Community

At Centro de Esperanza, we want to build community, a support team, and make connections to resources that are already in place within our community, not duplicate. Through referral programs, in partnerships with local organizations, we will connect our community to real time and available resources. In addition, we want to take the lead in providing language access for the Muskegon community.

Our Mission

To reduce barriers in our community by connecting individuals and families with supportive services to promote healthy well-being.

Our Vision

To provide a central location with access to supportive services, while instilling hope and promoting healthy well-being.

At Centro de Esperanza, we provide a range of services designed to connect our community to the resources they need.

Our services are built on four pillars: Center, Language Access, Senior Engagement, and Family Support Services. As a hub, we connect our non-English speaking community to local resources and organizations. We provide language access to ensure high-quality and appropriate language services. We engage our senior population in supportive community activities, and our Family Support Services focus on building healthy relationships between teens and parents.